Adelaide was voted most livable city in Australia! Woo-hoo, I picked the right one. I think voting was based on categories like "can get to work quicker than the time it takes to cook a turkey," "cab rides from the airport cost less than $140" and "don't have to donate serum monthly to contribute to rent payments." I really do think Adelaide deserves some recognition though - sitting between beautiful beaches, breathtaking hills, and a quick drive from gorgeous vineyards it truly is in a fantastic location.
Read this comparison of Australian cities to school kids written on The Punch:

Melbourne’s too easy. Melbourne’s the self-harming emo kid who writes bad poetry. And sometimes, almost accidentally, great poetry. On the weekend he goes to see bands no one’s ever heard of in bars down dingy alleyways. He knows he’s cooler than the superficial bimbos around him. He sulks.
Sydney’s the coke-snorting former bit-part actor who’s now teaching drama. Beautiful bordering on blowsy, with delusions of a grandeur just slightly fading. It takes a bit more lippy in the morning, but most of the class still want to shag her.
Brisbane got her ears pierced too early, chews gum loudly, and is really really popular.
Perth’s the kid no one really knows who always has wads of money to spend at the tuck shop. Hobart’s the quiet kid in the corner who only recently acquired nerd-chic.
Darwin doesn’t give much of a shit, and was the first one to get fake ID so he could buy cheap booze for the other kids.
Canberra probably has to be the principal. All rules and regulations and processes. Makes the occasional dad’s joke. Thinks he’s the centre of everyone else’s universe.
And Adelaide spends her time in class staring out the window, dreaming she is beautiful like Sydney or cool like Melbourne or popular like Brisbane. When really she’s OK.