Friday, May 27, 2011

Thursday, May 26, 2011
As heard around Australia..
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Planking at Work

Employees around Australia are getting busted and consequently fired for planking at work. To try to attempt a bit of social commentary, I had a piece of Parmesan Cheese plank around the office for material for our company Facebook profile page. My boss has still yet to reply to my request to post... Too cheesy?
Monday, May 23, 2011
Rapture Fail
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Fashion Whoopsies
Create this:
And the reaction will be this:
Australian designer Lisa Burke is probably struggling to get out of bed today due to the backlash (read RAGE) of the Indian government/Hindu community/these folks burning the crappiest Aus flag I've ever seen. Apparently Krishna does not belong on one of the skimpiest staple wardrobe items or on a fashion runway. Her label Lisa Blue's FB page is a PR nightmare despite her numerous apologies. I betcha a Jesus bikini would be all the rage in the Midwest US Lisa, try your hand with that.
Aussie Dies During Planking Stunt
As heard around Australia
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Aussie Governement Budget - Retirees Score!
Julia Gillard and her gov have approved $350 to go to each pensioner (retiree) to put towards a digital cable box. So instead of subsidized medication, meal deliveries or social programs, granny will get to watch Japanese hijinks on the Game Show Network. The part that people are outraged over here is that a digital box only costs $99, and $251 will go towards a 3-minute installation. I think spending tax money to catapult the elderly into a couch potato comas is a wee bit wastier.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Chris Liley Strikes Again
One of my favorite parts about Australia? Chris Liley, the mastermind behind Summer Heights High.
His new series debuted last night and while the twin boys Daniel and Nathan are a little on the crude and annoying side (but still funny with the mainies), I really love the Gran character. I think his blackface take on American rap culture and the demanding Japanese mother debut next week.
Anyway, you can watch it on ABC.net.au! Click here
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Monday, May 9, 2011
Disaster is Lurking
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Justice Beiber
In case you missed it, Justin Beiber was egged by a hater hiding in the rafters at his concert in Sydney. Glorious news. The sucky part is that not a single egg hit the comb-over that dreams are made of. The foolish vandal was arrested thanks to the fact that Facebook/Twitter will find you and take you down. I honestly think that Facebook will get all the credit in the CIA's "Geronimo"(Bin Laden) take down intelligence report once it is Wikileaked. Anyway, below I have embedded the You Tube 23-second video of the egging, but below is much better - when Biebs gets nailed with a water bottle at an American show. I really don't know how he manages to get out of bed, comb his locks, add his stem-cell-of-a-unicorn hair gel, and then go on stage to perform after all the flying artillery! It is so 1940's rotten tomatoes and I love it.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Food Industry Commentary
Well Cole is famous for his levitating fish dish, but instead he treated us to prociutto hanging from a clothesline and witches' cauldron non alcoholic shots that are simply dry ice trickery borrowed from a low budget haunted houses at Halloween time back home. Also being from the States, I was not impressed. See him on the right - "he is just so wacky - darling, look at his drinks, they are smoking- but you can drink them - that is too wacky!"
More on his actual interesting work below:
Cole Thomas's levitating amuse-bouche, The Flying Fish, sees a nori-wrapped piece of tuna sashimi float above its dish - with not a wire or pulley in sight.
Told it was impossible, he managed to achieve his culinary feat by harnessing a variation of the Meissner Effect which - for those who've forgotten their high school physics - is the expulsion of a magnetic field from a superconductor during its transition to the superconducting state. In other words, Thomas has managed to doing something very tricky with magnetising agents, typically unmagnetisable organic matter, some dry ice and a $4000 ceramic tablet.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Media Spin Paints What Appears to be a Two-Story Used Car Parts Shed as a "Mansion"
Apparently Bin Laden was not armed when shot and killed. Well the part I take away from this news story is the photo of the "mansion" he was residing in, in Abbottabad. Change that to Alottabad, that place is a HOLE. I guess it is an upgrade from the caves that he was rumored to be occupying.
I guess I should post something Aussie. This kid from "Australia's Got Talent" is fourteen but clearly the balls have not dropped. He does a better Whitney Houston than most drag queens I've seen at the Tranny Bingo Parlour:
Monday, May 2, 2011
Highlights of Bin Laden Commentary on my Newsfeed
Last nite was just a reminder that you dont mess with the red, white and blue. It may take a week, a year , or ten years but sooner or later navy seals will drop into ur bunker and shot you in the head. I love this country.
RIP Osama Bin Laden - World Hide and Go Seek Champion (2001-2011)
I guess the US isn't totally going to hell in a ham basket after all!!
Well shit! Who are we going to blame all of our problems on now?!
Can't wait to kill osama in the next call of duty..
The people outside of the White House are being very disrespectful to the Bin Laden family
Breath a sigh of relief, fellow Democrats. We have Obama until 2016 now. Good riddance, Bin Laden. It's about time.
It took so long for me to get my sushi tonight, they killed Osama Bin Laden before I got my food.
does this mean i don't have to take my shoes off at the airport anymore?
Waiting for Bin Laden's twitter to confirm... Until then, think what you want
Trying to imagine being in the shoes of the badass that put the first bullet in the monster.
Thank you President Bush.
I wouldn't mind a Bill Pullman cameo during Obama's speech. Another great day to be an American.
"Obama is dead. Wait, what'd I say..." - Geraldo Rivera, you make a funny.
May 2, 1998 - The Dark Lord Voldemort is killed in the Battle of Hogwarts
May 2, 2011 (UK time) - Osama bin Laden (The Muggle Dark Lord) is killed
lets hope they are absolutely sure about this. it's going to be one hell of an awkward news conference if they find out it's not him a week from now.
Bin laden... now ur asss is bin dead!!!! hahahaha biotch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I bet Osama is pissed that he came out of hiding to watch the Royal Wedding..
"I loosened it." - Bush
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