Here is a snipped of a conversation that I had with my friend Jon, who lives in Shanghai, about our moms' reactions to the Japan earthquake. And the geographical confusion that ensued.
Jon: whatever helps man-
my mom called me at like 7 am on sunday
was upset - cause i hadnt replied to her email yet
apparently ppl were asking if i was okay
me: my mom texted me "are you alive?"
"yes. why?"
"earthquake. love you"
"mom, you do realize i live in australia correct?"
"be nice"
keep in mind this was 2 days after the earthquake
Jon: haha
2 days after hmm
yea, so i was a little irritated/stumped
but wasn't sure what the reaction was in the states - so i def didn't say anything, i just said - yes i am okay
btw - this is the first time my mom has ever called my phone'don't know how to use calling cards'
me: yeah mom hasnt called mine ever
Jon: mom, your technology skills are suddenly off the hook
what upme: her panic and adrenaline pushed her fingers to learn how to dial
Jon: yea
so i was wondering if ppl really thought that japan = asia = shanghai = nuclear meltdown = fear ...
and asked - 'who did you say was asking me?' - and it turns out it was 'ppl at church and her cousins' (in e. texas)
so i felt a little better
No forgiveness! Love Mom