His daughter must have realized that I posted about him yesterday because she sent me a "personal" email (my work spam has reached a new height of ridiculousness). See below:
Let me crave your indulgence to introduce myself to you. My name is Ayesha al-Gaddafi (34), the only daughter of
Muammar Al-Gaddafi. Please take this seriously as I am taking this liberty anchored on strong desire and trust to
ask for your assistance for the transfer of ($6.2mil. usd) 6.2 million united states dollars. Your consent and
urgent attention is greatly needed. I have been able to move the funds from my country to the London for easy
transfer into your personal bank account. You will have 25% of this money for your time and effort, and keep the
balance for me. Please, kindly contact me and fill in the following information for proper documentation.
Your names in full..........
Your country name...........
Your gender/age.............
Your marital status.........
Your occupation.............
Your Phone/fax..............
The name of your company(if any)...
I hope to kindly hear from you as soon as possible.
Yours sincerely.
Ayesha Al-Gaddafi

If she looks anything like this, the deal is OFF.