"Instead of seeing Transformers 3, watch a crack addict go through withdrawals in Crime Alley. It will have a better plot."
-On my twitter feed
Hi There,
Yes that is me, in the distance.. the good looking one.. hahahaha although you can barely see me. The other is the guy in the videos..
Also attached is another picture from several years ago when i did Sylvester Stallones birthday party.. can you see how i have retained my youthful good looks?
Chat Soon,
Eyre Peninsula tourism operator Matt Waller has discovered that great whites are attracted to the Australian hard rock band more than any other - even more than berley.
Several times a week his Adventure Bay Charter company cruises down to Shark Bay at the Neptune Islands, south of Port Lincoln, to view the world's largest predatory fish.
The sharks are particularly attracted to top-selling songs If You Want Blood and Shook Me All Night Long with their low frequencies.
Mr Waller discovered the unusual attraction for sharks when taking tourists out on his swim with great white sharks trips.
"We know the AC/DC music works best by trial and error, and we are doing more research to see what works best with different species of shark," he says.
Finance Minister Penny Wong shut Tasmanian Senator David Bushby the eff down when he uttered a sexist "me-oww" during a heated debate.
I'm sure that he instantly regretted the catty comment, as she promptly fired back,“Oh yes, why don’t you meow when a woman does that?” Wong fired back. “That’s a good idea. Just extraordinary. The blokes are allowed to yell, but if a woman stands her ground, you want to make that kind of comment. It’s sort of schoolyard politics, mate.”
This has sparked debate all across Australia today, stirring Penny into a fit of sexist accusations. Speaking about opposition leader Tony Abbott, she said
"I think there is no doubt that on occasions there are things that Mr Abbott has said, [such as] 'Making an honest woman of the Prime Minister' - and we all know what that generally refers to, and that's making sure the woman's married," Senator Wong said.
"Previously he's said 'when it comes to Julia, no doesn't always mean no', which I personally found pretty distasteful given that it's used in terms of campaigns against rape and sexual assault."
Penny Wong rages, and I see why, but sometimes I appreciate a little "meow"