I must admit, I was hypnotized when I read that Google would put ads on my blog, for free, and that I would get paid whenever any of my loyal readers would click them.
So here I was, blogging along, providing my misguided commentary on Australian life, while my ad account would quietly grow. Free money was just piling up in my little Google Ad Sense pigeon hole. Then, all of the sudden, I get this email from Google:
AdSense for Content The account associated with publisher ID ca-pub-0875729167024000 has been disabled. After reviewing our records, we've determined that your AdSense account
poses a risk of generating invalid activity. BAM!
Just like that they revoked my ads, took my accumulated $65+, and sent me packing. Now Google, I am not going to dignify your accusations with a reply (teehee), but I just want to say that I am not pleased that I now get bombarded with advertisements when taken to the "my blog posts are successful" page. Still feeling placed under the confines of your contracts, I wonder if these ads have been approved for me to click (I assume so because I am the only one who sees this page) when you have told me that I am not to personally click any ads on my site, ever (which I never have!). Stop baiting us with your ad candy, Google!
Ay, detectives are we, old mates?
what the Mel? how did they have the right to take your well earned 65 bucks?!