I'm constantly amused by the names of towns, cities, mounts and lakes here in Australia. They sound as if they were named by heavy marijuana users, cool aboriginals that don't give a shit, or a prude British settler who was unimaginative and struggling under the stronghold of heavy depression.
Pothead names:
Cock Wash - City in SA
Chinaman's Knob - a hill in VIC
Pimpinbudgie -City in QLD
Tom Ugly - City in NSW
Tittybong - City in VIC
Aboriginal names that make you feel silly to say:
Woolloomooloo - City in NSW, means "young kangaroo"
Poowong - City in VIC, means "carrion"
Wee Waa - City in NSW, "means fire for roasting"
Boing Boing - City in NT, means "mosquitos buzzing"
These are the titans of bleakness (my favorites):
Eggs and Bacon Bay - TAS, must have had a positive breakfast experience here
Foul Bay - in SA, hopefully not closeby
Mount Buggery - VIC, couldn't be buggered to climb it
Nowhere Else - SA, I'm puzzled
Useless Loop - WA, what about the Salt Mine that's there?
Lake Disappointment - really promising tourist spot in WA
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